
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Fashion And Entertainment

Fashion and entertainment go hand in hand. I have been working with an artist that believes they don’t need a stylist, which is fine, but they are not fashion forward. The funny thing is he dresses like the artists that came before him. I want artist to understand that vocal and optical art go hand in hand. Many times we see singers and actors and believe that the way they dress or present themselves is effortless but that is far from the truth. There is always a method to the madness, designers are always looking to get press and any artist can become a tastemaker. Artist like PharrellWilliams or Lady GaGa may get ridiculed in the press for their attire but just as many consumers clamor to copy their style. All art is relative to the user and will be judged by the consumer more than the critic at some point. So what’s the real correlation between entertainment and fashion? Fashion is entertainment, Models walk the runway on beat to the latest music it’s covered buy the entertainment magazines and attended by the hottest celebrities. Image is something that must be addressed. In the food industry people understand that presentation is every thing. A great tasting meal that looks like slop will be approach tentatively but mediocre food that looks appetizing will be revered and recommended. Needless to say presentation goes a long way with selling a product. For instance an Artist like Bruce Springsteen Known for his blue jean and white T-Shirt understands that correlates with his working class image. Sure it’s not the most fashionable choice but it syncs with his narrative. I believe that all artists should dress the part and have a style that your audience identifies with or aspires to. The world is a judgmental place and the difference between novice and stardom could simply be your image and not your talent sad to say but often true.     

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