For the purpose of this blog I would like to talk about
personal and professional sacrifices that have to be made as it pertains to the
entertainment industry. Most people are intrigued with entertainment mostly
because it is a source of enjoyment and escape for so many. I currently have
been spending the beginning of everyday and the end of every night searching
for ways to best allocate my time. When I first gained my music business degree
from Full Sail University believed that the Knowledge I gained would make my
pursuits of being a well renowned music producer more attainable. Knowledge
does not eliminate hard work it only shows you the best ways to focus your
energy and get the most out of your efforts.
The question is how much are we expected to sacrifice for
our craft. I’m currently the creative director for a regional Hip-hop battle
league and our 5th event was yesterday. This event had me
preoccupied all week but I still have the responsibility of completing my
schoolwork, raising a kid and fostering my career. Because of my hectic
schedule I had to make a decision to turn in a late assignment to my
instructor. The sacrifice that I made was a professional one and I ascertained
that a point deduction due to the late submission was a consequence of me over
extending myself. The problem is in the entertainment industry if your not over
extending yourself its hard to feel productive because all of the really
successful individuals brag about their lack of sleep and downtime.

Education is both a professional and personal pursuit
because we expect the ends to justify the means but we must always be aware of
what we are willing to give up to succeed in our chosen craft. I missed an
assignment because I was to preoccupied doing exactly what my university has
taught me to do in my industry. A some point I may also disappoint my daughter
because I was too busy doing homework to play with her or stayed out too late
at an event to get up early and take her fishing. Life is a gigantic compromise
there will always be disparities between your options and desired outcomes.
Prioritization and taking responsibility for any perceived shortcomings that
you may have intentionally ignored in the past is the best way in my opinion to
justify any sacrifices you will ultimately make in order to achieve your goals
in entertainment.