The differences between a professional musician and a novice
musician can be complicated. In some circles a classically trained musician is
considered a professional. In other circles any musician who gets paid for
their services is considered a professional. In my opinion both of these
musicians can be considered a novice if they do not do due diligence as it
pertains to the business side of the industry. Publishing, distribution,copyrights and trademarks are all necessary clerical steps that must be taken
in order to fully monetize your music and likeness. The definition of a
professional is a person engaged in a specific activity as their main
occupation not just a past time.
I personally know several professional musicians that would
find this definition impossible. When it comes to art a person may receive
payment and even put in very long hours but the paychecks for art can be few
and far between. Often artists have to take on full time jobs just to pay their
bill and invest in their craft. It would be insulting to most serious and
talented artists to classify them as a novice. In my opinion the classic
definition of a professional is hard to apply when describing a vast majority
of musicians or recording artists.
In other words the term professional musician is relative to
the user, I believe that the consumer or the listener often decides. You can
easily declare yourself a professional musician but in my opinion to be
considered one you must be able to perform the musical task that you have been
commissioned to complete with more than one instance of customer satisfaction.
People feel very passionate about their art, as they should but the key is
opening up your network. The more strangers that like or dislike your music the
more likelihood you will make an informed decision about whether you can be a
professional in the traditional sense. Although I believe every professional
musician is not a full time one I guarantee a vast majority wish they were.
Music is just like any other craft, if you educate yourself and become employed
to do the craft under legal license you become a professional.